Ginger – a natural remedy and a powerful aphrodisiac !

Ginger is a tropical plant whose trunk looks like a cane, and can grow up to one meter in height. The root is thick and very aromatic. 100 gr . Ginger has about 80 calories , of which 1.82 grams of protein , 0.75 grams of fat and 18 grams of carbohydrates. The root is rich in minerals like potassium, coppe , magnesium, manganese, vitamin C and vitamin B.

How to use Ginger :

Ginger has long been used as food and as medicine. This herb is an excellent remedy for nausea, abdominal pain, toothache,
bleeding and rheumatism.

Today, Ginger, scientists say, is an ideal remedy against inflammation, swelling and pain, but are also used tocalm the cough, strengthening the immune system, prevents colds .

In addition, ginger improves memory, relieves nausea in pregnancy, destroys microorganisms and increases energy. This herb also helps in speeding up the metabolism, helps in digestion of meat and milk in the body, improves liver function, and is used to detoxify the body .

Ginger lowers cholesterol, reduces pain, especially rheumatoid and increases the number and motility of sperm .

Tested Recipes for Ginger Use :

• Tea for a healthy heart

Peel and cut a piece of ginger the size of your thumb . Chopped ginger paste it into 5 ml . cold water , and cook about 20 minutes, then drain and sweetened it with honey . Drink several cups a day.

• Syrup for colds

In 2 dl . water put two teaspoons of fresh chopped ginger and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes . Add 150 g . sugar or honey and cook it a little longer , until it thickens . Take a teaspoon of syrup per day . If syrup is too sweet , dissolve it in a cup of black tea and drink it.

• Oil massage

Drain root ginger in a medium- sized juicer and mix with sesame oil in the ratio 1:1 . Stir before use and store in refrigerator . It is best to make small quantities.

• Energy drink

Half teaspoon finely chopped fresh ginger mix it with half a teaspoon of flax seed and a teaspoon of honey . Add 2 dl . negazirana mineral water , juice of one lemon , grapefruit and oranges .

About taurushong

I love fitness

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